Update Listing and Enumeration SAKERNAS February 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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Update Listing and Enumeration SAKERNAS February 2015

Update Listing and Enumeration SAKERNAS February 2015

February 17, 2015 | Other Activities

SAKERNAS a survey was designed to collect data that can describe the general state of labor between the enumeration period. Up to this time, Sakernas undergone various changes both in the enumeration period and coverage area and household sample.

SAKERNAS implementation in 2015 is held each semester, ie in February and August. In addition there is the Annual SAKERNAS also held in August in which there is additional samples are used to estimate up to the level of the district / city. SAKERNAS data collection is done on the selected census blocks are then extracted sample of 10 households for each census block.

Of each selected household was collected information about the general state of each member of the household that includes the name, relationship to head of household, gender, and age. For household members aged 10 years and above will be asked information about marital status, education and employment.

In general, the goal is to provide the data subject Sakernas employment. In particular, Sakernas aims to obtain information data of the working population, unemployment, and residents who had stopped / moved to work, as well as the development of the district / city, provincial, and national levels.

In February 2015, the BPS Banjarmasin conducting SAKERNAS much as 11 NKS (census block) which is divided in all Districts in the city of Banjarmasin. Implementation SAKERNAS collection starts with updating the household prior to each census block. Updates / updating SAKERNAS February 2015 households was conducted on January 26 - February 3, 2015.

Officers updating data directly collected data to the selected location by directly questioning the existence of households that exist in the list of pre-printed if there or moved. The process of updating the household also includes new households were found when data collection. Updating the activities of these households will be used as a basis for conducting sampling of households,

Results of updating household will then be put into an entry program that will be used as the basis of household samples selected for further recorded by questionnaire SAKERNAS. The sampling process is done automatically if the program.

The next activity after the update listing household data is sampled household enumeration. Officers conducted a complete enumeration of the 10 sample households each census block. Questions submitted more detail on employment which will be processing and validation of data to send to the BPS next in South Kalimantan to be forwarded to the BPS RI.

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