Refreshing / briefing SAKERNAS 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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Refreshing / briefing SAKERNAS 2015

Refreshing / briefing SAKERNAS 2015

February 17, 2015 | Other Activities

Started early 2015, BPS Banjarmasin City will undertake the implementation of the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) which was held in February 2015 and subsequently conducted biannually. For that, prior to the implementation of the BPS SAKERNAS Banjarmasin City on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 date entered refreshing / briefing material SAKERNAS. Implementation refreshing held on the 2nd floor hall BPS Banjarmasin with donor material is the Head of the Social Statistics Section Roy Suryanto, S.ST. Participants are KSK, Staff and Head of Section in BPS Banjarmasin which act as enumerators and field supervisors. In addition to monitoring also held Monitoring Quality of Social Statistics Section BPS Banjarmasin.

Briefing / refreshing SAKERNAS material is intended for initial preparation, field preparation and recall all material on SAKERNAS enumeration. Material covered related concepts and definitions, field problems, discussion schedule and use of data in general SAKERNAS. Stabilization of concepts and definitions as well as discussion of field problems is emphasized. This is an effort to improve the quality of data in BPS Banjarmasin.
SAKERNAS implementation in 2015 is held each semester, ie in February and August. In addition there is the Annual SAKERNAS also held in August. So for the month of August there were additional samples are used to estimate up to the level of district / city.

SAKERNAS data itself is used for workforce planning. In particular, the data can be presented SAKERNAS to obtain indicators of the working population, the number of unemployed, people who never stopped / changed jobs, and development at the district / provincial / national.
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