Refreshing and Data Collection Activities Sakernas Quarter 3 2014 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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Refreshing and Data Collection Activities Sakernas Quarter 3 2014

Refreshing and Data Collection Activities Sakernas Quarter 3 2014

September 23, 2014 | Other Activities

Sakernas was designed to collect data that can describe the general state of labor between the enumeration period. Up to now, NLFS undergone various changes in both the enumeration period and sample area coverage and households. From each selected household collected information about the general state of each member of the household that includes the name, relationship to head of household, sex, and age. For household members aged 10 years and older will be asked information about marital status, education and employment.

In general, the goal is to provide the data subject Sakernas employment. In particular, Sakernas aims to obtain data information the working population, unemployment, and residents who had stopped / moved works, as well as the development of the district / city, provincial, and national levels.

In Quarter 3 2014, BPS Banjarmasin SAKERNAS conducting as many as 44 NKS (census blocks) were divided in all the sub-district in the city of Banjarmasin. Before the census conducted Sakernas Quarter 3 2014, BPS Chief Banjarmasin along with the Head of Social Statistics Section provides guidance prior to the field officers with a Refreshing Sakernas activities. The activity is intended to re-establish the workers over concepts and definitions that had previously been submitted in order to obtain higher quality data again.

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