In December 2013 city of Banjarmasin experiencing Inflation amounted to
1.23 percent. Of the 66 cities in Indonesia, recorded 61 cities suffered
inflation, while 5 other cities experiencing Deflation. The highest
inflation occurred in the town of Manado by 2.69 percent and the lowest
inflation occurred in the town of Tangerang and Palembang masingmasing
of 0.04 percent, while the highest deflation occurred in the town of
Padang Sidempuan amounted to 0,44 per cent and the lowest bank rate
occurred in the town of Kendari of 0.05 percent. The city of Banjarmasin
inflation occurs due to an increase in price implied by the rise in the
index in the Group of foodstuffs amounted to 2.53 percent, food rose by
0.59 percent so, group housing, water, electricity, gas & amp; fuel
rose by 0.93 percent, clothing rose by 0.01 percent, health groups rose
by 0.64 percent, education, recreation and sports rose 0.02 percent,
transport, communications, and financial services rose by 1.27 percent.
Ten major commodities that pushed the inflation was Cork, rice, fish,
fuel, household air freight, egg races, cigarettes filters, sweet bread,
pastries, oily fish kites, sop. Ten major commodities that are holding
the occurrence of inflation (deflation) is a red onion, cayenne pepper,
chicken races, Cayenne, sugar, beef, pomfret, mackerel/bloat, banana,
kale. According to its components, items whose price is influenced by
Government policy (administered goods inflation) are generally
experiencing inflation amounted to 1.28 per cent, volatile prices
(volatile goods inflation) deflation amounted to 2.42 percent and core
components (core inflation) is experiencing inflation amounted to 0.63
percent. The rate of inflation is the calendar year (January-December)
2013 amounting to 6.98 percent, while the inflation rate% u201Cyear%
u201D on year (December 2013 to December 2012) amounted to 6.98 percent.