January 2013 Banjarmasin Inflation 1.14 Percent - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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January 2013 Banjarmasin Inflation 1.14 Percent

January 2013 Banjarmasin Inflation 1.14 Percent

November 22, 2013 | Other Activities

   In January 2013 the city of Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 1.14 percent. Of the 66 cities in Indonesia, there were 62 cities experiencing inflation, while 4 other cities experiencing deflation. The highest inflation in Sibolga by 3.78 percent and the lowest occurred in the city of Pontianak by 0.01 percent, while the highest deflation in Sorong at 0.98 percent and the lowest deflation occurred in Ternate of 0.20.

            Inflation Banjarmasin occur due to increases in the price indices indicated by rising food stuffs by 4.23 percent, processed foods, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco by 0.12 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel prices increased of 0.04 percent, the clothing group by 0.21 percent, the health group by 0.05 percent, and the education, recreation, and sport by 0.09 percent. Meanwhile, the transport, communications and financial services dropped 0.56 percent.

             According components, goods whose prices are influenced by government policy (administered goods inflation) generally experienced inflation of 0.14 percent, the volatile prices (volatile goods inflation) inflation of 3.95 percent and core components (core inflation) inflation 0.09 percent.
The inflation rate of calendar year (January to January) 2013 at 1.14 percent, while the rate of inflation "year on year" (January 2013 to January 2012) of 4.13 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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