Kelurahan Cantik Development 2024 in Pekapuran Raya Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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Kelurahan Cantik Development 2024 in Pekapuran Raya Village

Kelurahan Cantik Development 2024 in Pekapuran Raya Village

June 25, 2024 | Other Activities

The Development of Kelurahan Cantik 2024 was held at Tuesday June 25, 2024 in District Office of Pekapuran Raya.The Functional Expert Mr. Edy Rahmadi become a a source-person in presenting the material Kelurahan Cantik 2024 for the audiences. In this day, also attended by The Village Head Mrs. Martini and Mrs. Dewi from ULM Banjarmasin. The pupose of this program was to increase the capacity in managing dan utilizing statistical data, as well as identifying data of poptential data to support the development program in Indonesia country.

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