The Mayor of Banjarmasin Carries Out Market Operations with The TIPD Team - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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The Mayor of Banjarmasin Carries Out Market Operations with The TIPD Team

 The Mayor of Banjarmasin Carries Out Market Operations with The TIPD Team

March 6, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, March 6, 2024 The Mayor Banjarmasin City Mr. H. Ibnu Sina with TIPD Team and Forkopimda Banjarmasin city held market operation before Ramadhan 1445H.The market operation purposes to monitor and check daily prices, stock and distribution the groceries. So that, if there is a special condition can be solved rapidly. It was obtained that the price of grocerries still under controlled. The stock grocerries also sufficient for daily consumption.

The Head of BPS Banjarmasin City Mrs. Sukma Handayani also attended this operation market. BPS Banjarmasin City always supported The government of Banjarmasin City in inflation restraint, by released the inflation data in the beginning of month and pressing release for sharing the information about inflation in Banjarmasin City.



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