The Training of SKTNP and SINASI 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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The Training of SKTNP and SINASI 2024

The Training of SKTNP and SINASI 2024

March 4, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Balance Function BPS South-Kalimantan Province around March 4 – 7, 2024 hold The Training of SKTNP and SINASI 2024 online and March 8, 2024 offline at Hotel Qin, Banjarbaru. This Training attended the organics and partners from BPS District/City of South Kalimantan. The Balance Function of BPS Banjarmasin delegated 12 partners as data Officer (PCL) and 4 organics as supervisores (PML) to attend this training.

The purpose of this training to strengthen the understanding the concept and definition which was used in this survey to ensure the data consistency and accuracy, increasing ability the collecting data efisiency and effectively. Understanding SOP Survey overall and ready for the problems which arising around survey.

The offline training opened officially by The Head BPS South Kalimantan Province, Mr. Martin Wibisono advised the data officer (PCL) and the supervisor (PML) to keep the quality data always referring to the Standard Procedure Organization (SOP), Concept and Definition from SKTNP and SINASI 2024 so that the data could be high quality and beneficial for the stakeholders.


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