Pencacahan Survei IMK (Industri Mikro Kecil) Triwulan ke Empat 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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Pencacahan Survei IMK (Industri Mikro Kecil) Triwulan ke Empat 2023

Pencacahan Survei IMK (Industri Mikro Kecil) Triwulan ke Empat 2023

January 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Banjarmasin City BPS Quarterly IMK (Micro Small Industry) Survey is carried out every three months of the year focusing to the small scale industrial businesses/companies that have workers about 1 - 19 people.

The schedule started from January 2 until 10, 2024 which was held by the enumeration officers (PCL) accompanied by the supervisors (PML). The purpose of this  survey to accommodate the availability of Micro and Small Industry Data accurately and also the availability calculating growth data of business production / micro and small company scale according to the Indonesia classification of basic business field (KBLI) 2- number national and province level.

The supervising of IMK Survey is carried out to get the data accurately in accordance to the field reality condition. The result of the survey used the development of the IMK business.

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