November 16, 2023 | BPS Activities
Consumer Price Survey (SHK) is a survey conducted to discover the
transaction price between the seller (the retail trader) and the buyer (the consumer).
The consumer price is calculated by Consumen Price Index (IHK). The changing
presentation IHK is a period or better known as inflation/deflation which can
be important indicator in the economic section, particulary from the moneter side.
One of the basic material IHK is a result of the cost living Survey
(SBH). The training of IHK Survey was held in the Office of BPS banjarmasin
City about November 16,17, 2023 which is followed about 16 officers and 4 supervisors. The purpose of the
training of IHK Survey to discover the changing IHK from time to time for
describing the changing price from a number of goods and service which consumes
generally by the public.
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