In December 2014, Inflation of Banjarmasin as big as 1.63 percent - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarmasin Municipality

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In December 2014, Inflation of Banjarmasin as big as 1.63 percent

In December 2014, Inflation of Banjarmasin as big as 1.63 percent

January 2, 2015 | Other Activities

In December 2014, in the city of Banjarmasin an inflation of 1.63 percent. Cumulative inflation rate in 2014 (December 2014 to December 2013) by 7.16 percent and the rate of inflation "year on year" is 7.16 percent. Commodities are experiencing kenaikanan share price with the highest inflation in the city of Banjarmasin include gasoline, catfish, rice with side dishes, chili red, electricity tariff, rice, local transportation, tilapia, rice, inter-city transportation, soto. While commodity prices decline with the highest share of deflation include air transport, apples, household fuel, spinach, veil / hijab, cooking oil, fish Sepat Siamese, long eggplant, kankung, Telang salted fish.

In Banjarmasin, from 7 expenditure groups, 6 groups experienced an increase in the price index that groups foodstuff by 3.21 percent, processed foods, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco by 0.98 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 0.67 percent, clothing by 0.06 percent, health by 0.17 percent, education, recreation and sports by 0.61 percent, transport, communications and sports at 3.30 percent.

Of the 82 cities that calculate the consumer price index, there were 82 cities experienced inflation. The highest inflation in the city Merauke by 4.53 percent, and the lowest in the city of Meulaboh at 1.17 percent
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