To get more information about data Statistics of Banjarmasin Municipality, please come to Integrated Statistics Service of Banjarmasin Municipality Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 5 Banjarmasin at 08:00 to 15:30 WITA or to the Integrated Statistics Service of Kalimantan Selatan Province and Other Regencies.

Implementation of Happiness Level Measurement Survey (SPTK) 2014 Banjarmasin City

Implementation of Happiness Level Measurement Survey (SPTK) 2014 Banjarmasin City

July 4, 2014 | Other Activities

Happiness Level Measurement Study (SPTK) 2013 is the data collection activities of the Indonesian population happiness for the first time conducted by BPS with national coverage. Stages of this activity is the preparation of instruments, training of personnel, pelaksaaan field, processing and presentation of data. In 2012, BPS had done preliminary activities in the form of in-depth study of drafting instruments and indicators of happiness.

Sample Block Seensus integrated with sample SPTK 2014 Census Block Susenas second quarter ie in Susenas census block with a different sample of households. SPTK 2014 in the city of Banjarmasin melibakan involving 10 officers consisting of 7 3 enumerators and Supervisors with the number of census blocks as much as 17 BS and 170 households spread over all the districts in the city of Banjarmasin.

Statistics generated from SPTK 2014 is a statistics / indicators gratification and happiness that life can be analyzed based on demographic characteristics of the population, education, health, economic, and housing and so on.

Here's some documentation on the implementation of BPS SPTK Banjarmasin:



SPTK 2014 following implementation schedule:

     Data Collection Officer Training: 2-4 June 2014
     Enumeration: 23 Juni-July 18, 2014
     Supervision / Examination: 23 Juni-July 18, 2014
     Field Supervision: 23 Juni-July 18, 2014
     Data Entry at BPS Regency / City: July 21 to August 22 2014
     Compilation of data on the BPS: August 25,-5 September 2014
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